Tuesday was rather uneventful for Lightning rod except that she got a much needed and deserved bath as a courtesy from Grady and Glenn. They also worked on rigging details making sure no important parts were left out.
The high point of the day was first thing when Grady made Eggs Benedict for us. We've been eating high ion the hog! (Canadian Bacon is from the back, the very top of the animal)
I'm sorry everyone but the high point for Jerry and I was actually a high point; we were on top of the Fly navy (BOQ) building working on a temperamental repeater. It is the highest point on the island and I wish I would have thought to take a picture. Here is a pic of the building from the outside.
Jerry and I got the repeater working correctly and then went to take Thunder over to Truman Annex where they will launch her.
I was under the weather yesterday. The stress finally started getting to me and my stomach was doing exercises I need not describe. Suffice it to say, we did what we had to and then took the rest of the day off.
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